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Our services

Hydro Projects Powerchina


We are recognized to have "avant-garde" experience in the water sector. Our focus cover the development and management of water resources, water supply, wastewater treatment, waste management, ports and waterways. POWERCHINA has completed more than 871 water-related projects in China and 142 projects around the world.





We are a leading global company in the planning, design and construction of hydroelectric projects. With a proven track record and vast industry experience, we have established a solid reputation as experts in the field of hydropower.

We have designed and built more than 200 large and medium hydroelectric stations. The cumulative installed capacity of these projects has exceeded 200 GW, demonstrating our experience and leadership in the hydroelectric industry.

Solar and Power Projects Powerchina


One of our business pillars is energy.

We develop projects across the entire energy generation, transmission, and supply chain, executing some of the most significant projects globally, from design and EPC to operation and maintenance.

Unconventional renewable energies are also a key part of our core business. We offer expertise in projects involving solar, wind, biomass, oceanic, geothermal, hydrogen, among others.

To date, POWERCHINA has successfully undertaken the construction and implementation of such projects with the following figures: 64GW of installed solar energy in China, 136GW of installed wind energy in China, and 15GW and 12GW of installed solar and wind energy respectively outside of China.

Construction and Infrastucture Projects powerchina


The capacity of execution of infrastructure projects of PCI is one of the strengths of our company. We have trained personnel, technique, operational and financial capacity to carry out the most ambitious processes of construction for the country.



At POWERCHINA INTERNATIONAL COLOMBIA, we have the operational, technical, and financial capacity to offer a wide range of services in the areas of hydropower, solar and wind energy, power grids, water treatment, and infrastructure construction.


We have world-class construction capacity, including an annual capacity of 300 million m³ of earth and rock excavation, 30 million m³ of concrete placement, the installation of turbine-generator units with a total capacity of 15,000 MW, metal fabrication work with a capacity of 1 million tons, 5 million m³ of foundation grouting, and 540,000 m³ of impermeable wall construction.


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